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CPD approval overview

We approve external CPD events (live events, live-streamed events, webinars) and distance learning for physicians. Please read through the steps below and refer to the relevant CPD approval guidelines before beginning the application process.

CPD provider account

Event holders wishing to apply for CPD approval will first need a provider account. To review our policy regarding applications for CPD provider accounts and to apply for such an account, please view the below form. Completed forms should be emailed to

Providers with existing accounts who wish to update their information will also need to contact the team.


To avoid any delays with processing it is important that you upload all the necessary documentation for your application. These include: 

Learning objectives should be explained in terms of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, or behaviours that the user or delegate would expect to acquire as a result of the CPD. Examples are provided below:

You must also include one of the following declarations if your program includes a speaker/author from a pharmaceutical company, device company or other commercial organisation providing healthcare products (for more detail see our guidelines ‘Involvement of pharmaceutical companies, device companies and other commercial organisations providing healthcare products’):

You may find it useful to refer to our checklist for providers to ensure your application is complete. 

CPD approval fees

The CPD application approval fee charged will be dependent on your organisation, event type and event length. Please refer to our CPD approval guidelines to confirm your event type and then review our fee document below:

Calculating CPD credits

The Federation provides 1 credit for each hour of CPD provided. We do not at present provide half credits, therefore the number of hours for credit purposes is rounded to the nearest number of whole hours. Where an event goes over the number of whole hours by less than 30 minutes, the number of hours (and therefore credits) is rounded down e.g. 6hrs 29 minutes is rounded down to 6hrs. Where an event goes over the whole hours by 30 minutes or more the number of hours (and therefore credits) is rounded up e.g. 6hrs 30 minutes is rounded up to 7hrs.

Retrospective applications

We strongly recommend applications are submitted at least two months in advance of the event date. We will not consider approving events when the application is received more than six weeks after the event has taken place.

From 31 March 2024 retrospective applications will no longer be considered. 

Attendance certificates and evaluation

After your event has taken place you will need to undertake evaluation of the event and to provide attendees with confirmation of the CPD approved. You may wish to refer to our sample documents below to do so: